1 名前:名前は開発中のものです[] 投稿日:2010/09/03(金) 00:32:53 ID:s3ZucJw9  Inafune: Japanese devs won't admit there's a problem - VideoGamer.com  http://www.videogamer.com/news/inafune_japanese_devs_wont_admit_theres_a_problem.html  "I said that comment hoping that the Japanese creators were going to wake up,"  "However, there has been no change whatsoever to the situation since last year, so I'm still very pessimistic."  日本のクリエイター連中が目を覚まして欲しくて苦言を呈した  しかし、昨年から状況に全く変化が無く私は依然として悲観的である  "I feel that many people in the industry are still living the glory of the '80s and '90s,  so they don't admit that there is a problem to start with. However, looking at the domestic market, it's shrunk.  Therefore it's really important that we realise that we're behind the Western market now,  get humble and start learning what's going on. Otherwise the Japanese market is going to disappear completely, sadly.  (日本の)業界の多くの連中は未だに80〜90年代の栄光を引きずっていて  問題があることを認めようとしない。国内市場を見てみると、縮小している  我々は欧米市場に後れを取っていることに気づくことが非常に重要なんだ  謙虚になって何が起こってるか学習せよ。さもなければ日本市場は完全に消滅してしまう、残念だが  "There are some publishers who are starting to buy up Western developers.  However, unless they start working with them properly,  rather than just commissioning a game and then putting their name on the final product, it's just not going to work."  いくつかのパブリッシャーが欧米のディベロッパーを買収し始めた  しかし彼らと適切に共同で作業しないければ、  ただゲームを依頼して、完成品に名前を載せただけのものになる、そんなのは上手くいかないだろ